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Chickenman is now Super Chicken. Your Forum Super Moderator.

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Well, now you are all in trouble.:lol:
Chickenman has completed his training  and passed with flying colours, although has a few battle scars.  (Looks more like a pirates parrot now than a chicken)

He now has the keys to the the bridge of this mighty ship, so god knows where he will steer you all to.

If you need a post fixed/edited or a boo boo attended to, he is your feathered friend to contact.

On a side note, as of Saturday 5th Sept I'm off for two weeks R & R on a tropical island.  I'm not hanging around here for the first couple of weeks with Joe steering. :sorry:

Have fun Joe, be gentle on them. :smile:


I like Joe, he's ok in my book, buddy, pal, mate;4

MUTINY i say...

another GM guy controlling this site... what is the world coming too!!! ;3

Holy toledo! Isn't that like leaving dracula in charge of the blood bank!!!

Oops, I mean, can I clean your mags for you Joe, how about a free Dyno sir......hmmmmmm????


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